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It seems that I’ve been into hanging out  alone or with my senior high school student,who is the only one  in the same college with me, in the downtown every weekend. I have never thought about that, because I always deem it a boring and tedious thing walking in the street in Xi’an.  However, geting rid of the notorious dormitory life and enjoying the beautiful sceneries  in the  down town is another kind of life style that gives me the fresh air and in some degree makes my scop a little broader.  

The next national holiday is drawing near, so I am thinking about where we go and see ?

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该日志由 Dale 于2010年03月28日发表在 随笔 Diary 分类下, 你可以发表评论,并在保留原文地址及作者的情况下引用到你的网站或博客。
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