It seems that I am now in an appaling situation, in which I even couldn’t tell myself what the hell I am persuing about my education or even the future career. It’s likely that what I really wanna do is trying to spare no effort to gain a bachelor degree so that I can further my study and, eventually find a decent job and to live a happy life. I konw it is easy to say or to make an explicit plan, while it is not a piece of cake to realize your dream. Having gone through nearly a year in college, I have now realized that facing with the reality and fighting with the reality are the fundamental and significant things for me, for I have a dream, and maybe everyone have their own dreams. I have no courage to foresee what kind of person I will have been, and how happy and pleasant I will feel about my job,and my life.
Whatever, I don’t wanna live in the situation right now. I wanna change it by myself deeply and whole-heartly. I am not lonely, I am longing what I am long for ,and pursuing what I pursue.
2010-06-03 下午 3:43渴望与追求,无止境的探索
2010-06-02 上午 1:45INDEED
2010-06-02 下午 6:02