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ways to stick to new year resolutions

Along the way, and especially since I started my resolutions-based happiness project, I’ve hit on some strategies for helping myself stick to resolutions.


1. Be specific. Don’t resolve to “Make more friends” or “Strengthen friendships”; that’s too vague. To make more friends as part of my happiness project, I have several very concrete resolutions like: “Start a group,” “Remember birthdays,” “Say hello,” “Make plans,” “Show up,” and “No gossip.”


2. Write it down. 写下来。

3. Review your resolution constantly. If your resolution is buzzing through your head, it’s easier to stick to it. I review my Resolutions Chart every night.


4. Hold yourself accountable. Tell other people about your resolution, join or form a like-minded group, score yourself on a chart (my method) — whatever works for you to make yourself feel accountable for success and failure.


5. Think big. Maybe you need a big change, a big adventure – a trip to a foreign place, a break-up, a move, a new job. Let yourself imagine anything, and plan from there.


6. Think small. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that only radical change can make a difference. Just keeping your fridge cleared out could give you a real boost. Look close to home for ways to improve and grow.

Along the way, and especially since I started my resolutions-based happiness project, I’ve hit on some strategies for helping myself stick to resolutions.


1. Be specific. Don’t resolve to “Make more friends” or “Strengthen friendships”; that’s too vague. To make more friends as part of my happiness project, I have several very concrete resolutions like: “Start a group,” “Remember birthdays,” “Say hello,” “Make plans,” “Show up,” and “No gossip.”


2. Write it down. 写下来。

3. Review your resolution constantly. If your resolution is buzzing through your head, it’s easier to stick to it. I review my Resolutions Chart every night.


4. Hold yourself accountable. Tell other people about your resolution, join or form a like-minded group, score yourself on a chart (my method) — whatever works for you to make yourself feel accountable for success and failure.


5. Think big. Maybe you need a big change, a big adventure – a trip to a foreign place, a break-up, a move, a new job. Let yourself imagine anything, and plan from there.


6. Think small. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that only radical change can make a difference. Just keeping your fridge cleared out could give you a real boost. Look close to home for ways to improve and grow.

本文固定链接: http://www.imdale.com/ways-to-stick-to-new-year-resolutions/ | Dale | Dale's Blog

该日志由 Dale 于2011年02月02日发表在 随笔 Diary 分类下, 你可以发表评论,并在保留原文地址及作者的情况下引用到你的网站或博客。
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ways to stick to new year resolutions:目前有7 条留言

  1. 😐 😉 音乐好听!!!!!!

    2011-02-15 下午 5:12 [回复]
  2. 0楼

    文章不错啊 😐

    2011-02-11 上午 12:37 [回复]
  3. 烟花灿烂,闪电与你一起前进!

    2011-02-03 下午 8:12 [回复]
    • Dale:

      呵呵 拜年啦

      2011-02-08 下午 10:08 [回复]
  4. 0楼

    忘了,马上就12点了,多放放鞭炮。。 😆

    2011-02-02 下午 11:30 [回复]
  5. 0楼


    2011-02-02 下午 11:29 [回复]
    • Dale:

      谢谢,加油。 新春快乐!

      2011-02-08 下午 10:07 [回复]

