大学派对上的游戏通常是学生为了喝酒一起玩儿的游戏,最受欢迎的包括beer pong和flip cup,稍微小众一点的包括Frisbeer 和wisest wizard.这些游戏有时候也会变得很激烈。
有一些所谓的派对“游戏”其实根本就不是游戏,只是制定的一些帮助大家进入“不清醒”状态的具有号召性的表演参与。这些活跃气氛的表演包括College keg stands,就是一个学生直接打开桶装啤酒的水龙头往自己的嘴里灌酒而不是用杯子去接,或者power hour,就是在每分钟或者每过固定的时间就喝一大口啤酒,直到喝满一个小时。类似于power hour这种游戏通常是在去派对之前发生在宿舍里,而keg stand这种游戏则通常发生在派对上。
Beer Pong是最受大学生欢迎的派对游戏之一。这个游戏的规则是一张长桌子上放有六个以上的装了啤酒的塑料杯,四个人分两组分别站在长桌的两端向塑料杯内投掷乒乓球,投中的那杯酒由对方选手来喝然后移除这个杯子。
更多的关于Drinking game的详细游戏介绍请参考:
BeerPong is one of the most famous collegedrinking games which involves two teams of 2 players at opposite ends of a longtable standing over 6 (or more) plastic cups filled with beer. The object is tothow the ping pong ball into the plastic cups at the other end of the table,and your opponents have to drink the beer from the cup your ball went into andremove it from the game. Both teams play until one team makes the last cup. Cupsof water have magical powers in this game because they somehow are able toclean ping pong balls that get dirty.
Re-racking in Beer PongRe-racking is when one or more cups are removed, and thecups need to be re-organized. Some re-rack when there are 3 cups left, somere-rack after every shot is made.
Beer Pong RedemptionBeer pong Redemption is what the losing team gets when the winningteam makes the last cup. (This is only if both players on the winning team didnot make both shots) The losing team gets a chance to try and tie it up and gointo a 3 cup overtime. One of the two players on the team must make allremaining cups to force overtime.
Note: Besure to ask about the “house rules” before starting to play, so theyare established before the end of the game to avoid controversy.
Beer Pong VariationsThere are many variations to beer pong which includedifferent styles of play, type of shots allowed, number of cups, and cup setup.It is important to find out of bounce shots are allowed, and if so how manycups they count for, in some games bouce shots are not allowed, and in othergames bounce shots can count as 2 cups. Some play with ping pong paddles, somefill their cups with water instead of beer, and drink a side beverage, if theircup is made.
Frisbeer – Frisbee Drinking Game Frisbeer 是一种要用到飞盘的喝酒游戏Frisbeer is a college drinking game that is gaining inpopularity. Frisbeer是一种越来越受欢迎的喝酒游戏,不过其限制是必须要在室外进行。
Frisbeer Overview 这个游戏要求两组队员,每组两个人,两个砖头或者石头,以及两瓶水(最好是装了水的两个塑料瓶)。比赛高下就是看谁能够用飞盘打到对方更多的瓶子。Frisbeer is a drinking game involving a frisbee, 2 teams of 2people, 2 bricks or stones, and 2 bottles (plastic bottles filled with somewater work best). The objective is to score points by knocking down youropponents bottle with the frisbee.
Frisbeer游戏场景设置 两个队隔开的距离和beer pong游戏中的一样大概是25英尺。The bottle should be placed on the brick soa frisbee sliding on the ground won’t knock the bottle over. Two plastic cupsare filled a quarter to half way with beer and placed to the side equidistantfrom both teams (out of the way of the game).
Frisbeer GameplayEach team gets to throw the frisbee once (From behind theirown bottle) to try to knock over the bottle. The players on each team alternatethrowing the frisbee each turn.
Frisbeer Defense The opposing team can try and play defense: After thefrisbee touches the ground or some other object, the frisbee can be swatteddown. Wherever the frisbee is swatted down the team who swatted the frisbee canthrow from that location (if it is closer than their bottle).
Frisbeer Scoring Each bottle that is knocked over is one point.
When the bottle gets knocked over
OffensivePlayers: The player that knocked the bottleover runs as fast as possible to get the frisbee and throw it back to his orher opponent who tries to knock the frisbee down into their own bottle for anextra point.
DefensivePlayers: At the same time, the team who gottheir bottle knocked over first runs to the middle of the field (off to theside out of the direct line between the bottles) where 2 half cups of beer arewaiting. They must chug the beer first then they can try to swat down the throwfor the extra point.
Flip Cup – College Drinking Game
Rules and information on Flip cup
Flip Cup is a very social easy to playgame that involves lots of people, this is a great way for people to interactand break the ice. Both sexes can enjoy this game equally and flip cup gamesusually get pretty exciting with people yelling and cheering.
Flip Cup Rules
Flip cup is a college drinking game involving a table, lots of cups, lotsof beer, and at least six people (but the more you can fit around the table thebetter). Two teams line the long sides of a long table (such as a beer pong table), and match up with an opponent across the table. The object is to drinkyour beer (in a plastic cup) as fast as you can and then put your cup on theedge of the table (open side facing up) and flip the cup up in the air to tryto get it to land with the open side facing down on the table. Once this isaccomplished, the next player in line does the same thing until all teammembers on your side of the table are finished, and the first team done wins.
Setup for flip cup
Each player has a cup fills it with some beer and “matches up”with an opponent across the table by touching cups.
How to Play Flip Cup
One person on each team starts by touching glasses then chugging as fastas possible then putting the cup down and flipping it until it lands with theopen side of the cup down on the table. Once it does the next player on theteam chugs their beer and does the same thing. The next player on the teamcannot go until the player before them has sucessfully landed their cup.
After a game has one, the two people who started last game now becomelast, and two new opponents (typically right next to the first people) start itoff. After every game a new pair starts it until it gets back to the originalpair, and they start again.
Flip Cup Scoring
There is no scoring in flip cup, just a lot of high fives, hugging andbragging rights.
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