something about the royal wedding
about netherland
Apr262011Pondering on the future personal development whole-heartedly these days has been within part of my getting-to-do list since the other day I met upon a Netherland specialist with whom I found much to talk, for the first time of chatting, it lasted for quite a long time and our topic was chiefly o ...
阅读全文作者:Dale | 分类:随笔 Diary | 标签:netherland
about The Social Network
Apr202011Technically,movie appreacitating is absolutely an awesome way of polishing your English proficiency, but I bet you won’t dare to keep watching the same movie over time and tine again, for the more you repeat wathching the more you feel to loathe it. That kind of feeling won’t last long when a day you find it of no big deal to blurt out every single word from the movie, then, a sense of fulfillment soon sprout from your uneasy state of mind.
The Social Network, which has really been a hit this year of 2011, for it has won the highest honor of oscar. The night I got the movie from a friend of mine, I just remove it from my blowing limited disk to my newly purchased portable disk, figuring out one day to appreciate it wholeheartedly. That day really aprroached when I was stacking out the computer disk to searching for some valuable information for a dear little OEPTERs of mine. I was in totally shamebles at the very begining, for all the dipictions of The Social Network is nothing just about the story of Mark Zuckberg and its company behind scenes,for which I really take granted that just another duplication from the movie of Mr and Miss Curie.When the times of playing the movie from my player augmented, it was not
15名学生和教师利用长度超过2英里的卫生纸和MIT的无尽长廊,创造了纸张连续对半折叠的新世界纪录——13次,打破了2002年的旧记录——12次。 连续向同一方向对折13次相当于叠出8192(2^13)层。数学教师、厕纸折叠高手Tanton表示,这相当于攀登珠穆朗玛峰。
If the real work that needs doing is offline, disable the internet for an hour at a time.
Turn email checks into an hourly habit, not an “as the box gets mail” habit.
Don’t answer your cell phone when working on something important. Call back later.
If you can’t work at work, negotiate finding a new place to get things done.
作者:Dale | 分类:教育 Education
关于“非诚勿扰” ,关于文化差异。
Apr012011[youku id=”XMjUzOTQ0MTQ4″]昨天在刘烨那瞄了几眼非诚勿扰的节目,话说还是第一次这么认真的看一集,3月26日的这集有位很个性的美籍华裔男嘉宾,映像十分深刻。
Enter to grow in knowledge, depart to better serve the country and the kind. 入学是为了更好地增长知识,毕业是为了更好地回报祖国和人民。 这就是哈佛版的“为人民服务”。可惜,安田当时口误了,最准确的版本是:
Enter to grow in wisdom. Depart to serve better thy country and thy kind. 当然,意思上是没有差啦!
On the threshold of Harvard Yard and Massachusetts Avenue stands Dexter Gate, donated to the college in 1890. It cuts through Wigglesworth Hall, and anybody who lives in a river house walks through it at least once a day. But for all of its traffic, few students notice the carved inscriptions in the stone arch above the gate. The outside of the gate reads, “Enter to grow in wisdom,” while the inside bears the message, “Depart to serve better thy country and thy kind.”
读完Now and then
Mar302011I found no Chinese edition, so I picked it up from the library. This thematically arranged reader for first-year composition presents 68 short readings and 47 visuals on provocative contemporary issues such as same-sex marriage, Internet file sharing, and America’s response to rerroriom. ...
阅读全文作者:Dale | 分类:阅读 Reading