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Brighton bus drivers banned from calling female passengers ‘babe’



A bus company is warning drivers to not call passengers `babe` in a bid to avoid lawsuits from offended women.
Brighton & Hove Buses posted warnings to drivers in its head offices after a complaint from a woman who said she felt insulted by being called `babe` when she boarded a bus.
布赖顿和霍夫公交公司总部近日贴出了这则警告通知。事情的起因是公司接到一名女乘客投诉,称某次上车时,司机称呼她“亲”,她当时感觉受到了侮辱。The company also warned drivers they could face the sack if they call passengers `love` or `darling`.

One employee, who did not want to be named, said: `It`s just the height of political correctness. The drivers know how to best speak to customers.

`People don`t want their drivers to be robots. What is the world coming to when you can`t have a bit of friendly banter with passengers?`

The sign reads: `Please can drivers be aware that some of our customers may take offence at having terms such as “love”, “darling” and “babe” directed towards them.

`This can be seen by some as being a sexist comment, as a recent complaint has highlighted.`

Managing director Roger French said: `A lady complained to us that she thought the language used by a driver was demeaning to her.

`We take a lot of customer feedback so we thought we would pass this on. The drivers will understand and take it in good spirit.`

本文固定链接: http://www.imdale.com/brighton-bus-drivers-banned-from-calling-female-passengers-babe/ | Dale | Dale's Blog

该日志由 Dale 于2012年02月05日发表在 教育 Education 分类下, 你可以发表评论,并在保留原文地址及作者的情况下引用到你的网站或博客。
原创文章转载请注明: Brighton bus drivers banned from calling female passengers ‘babe’ | Dale | Dale's Blog

Brighton bus drivers banned from calling female passengers ‘babe’:目前有4 条留言

  1. 其实也没什么啦,我的个人风格问题。博客名字太逗了,我怎么最开始看连接的时候,第一反应是:“imdale I am 大了” 哈哈

    2012-02-07 下午 3:50 [回复]
    • Dale:

      其实最先也没把蚂蚁和你的玉米对上号,你现在又叫猪皮,更耐人寻味了。Fine, I’ll take it merely as a joke.

      2012-02-07 下午 6:58 [回复]
  2. 亲,网站版面很好看。。。但是内容。。。。

    2012-02-06 下午 9:14 [回复]
    • Dale:


      2012-02-06 下午 9:32 [回复]

