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  • 6.2

      It seems that I am now in an appaling situation, in which I even couldn’t tell myself what the hell I am persuing about my education or even the future career. It’s likely that what I really wanna do is trying to spare no effort to gain a bachelor degree so that I can further my s ...

    作者:Dale | 分类:随笔 Diary
  • It’s the end of this semester!

    All the activites and competitions have come to an end in this semester, in the coming days, all I have to do is to prepare for the CET exam and the final exam of this semester. I have already sent several job applications to some educational institutions so as to enrich my summer vacation life ...

    作者:Dale | 分类:随笔 Diary
  • 夜深寫點東西

    謝謝FISHER兄,一直這麼打抱不平,你在人人寫的東西都很客觀,我看了你的文章都不知道該怎麼去回你的帖子,於是就以沉默代謝吧。 小毛說的也有道理,這個社會或許就真有這麼一群人,不停的鼓吹,不停的5毛,最後也就是和諧的潛規則了,老兄做了這麼多,我心底十分感謝,感謝你的勇氣和正義。  不管這個社會是以什麽樣 ...

    作者:Dale | 分类:随笔 Diary
  • to be continued

    這幾天比較的忙,沒時間寫博文了,出來更新幾句話吧。  昨天去比賽的時候聽到一位學長在聊天,說有位朋友把四級單詞中的700個掌握到如魚得水的地步的人,最終雅思口語7.5分。 這個對大多書處於四級水平的語言學習者來說簡直是mission impossible    不過這的確是一種方法  大量的泛泛的記住高級詞彙還不如熟練掌握和運 ...

    作者:Dale | 分类:随笔 Diary

    strawberry music festival

    13:00-13:40 TBOR
    14:30-15:10 逃跑计划
    16:00-16:40 旅行团
    17:30-18:10 声音碎片
    19:00-19:40 新裤子
    20:30-21:10 唐朝
    13:00-13:40 黑撒
    14:30-15:10 冷酷仙境
    16:00-16:40 怪力
    17:30-18:10 麦田守望者
    19:00-19:40 后海大鲨鱼
    20:30-21:10 张楚

    13:50-14:20 查可欣
    15:20-15:50 陈楚生
    16:50-17:20 方大同
    18:20-18:50 林俊杰
    19:50-20:20 张震岳

  • iRiver E30+ONTO3=:)

    It’s great to have recieved the EMS packaged with my mp3. I eagerly unfold the wrap and took out the chocolate-shape mp3, it seemed not bad,aha.   I konw the mp3 and the headphone are not the best choice to the crazy fans of  music  one on the aspect of the price, but they are worth buying and are within my budget.

    作者:Dale | 分类:随笔 Diary | 标签:,
  • The most complicated Chinese characters-biang biang mian

    biang biang mian

    Yesterday, I was wandering on the street with my friend, we walked and walked, soon I saw a signboard of a Chinese noodle resturant, which shows 3 Chinese characters -biang biang mian. I did not recognize it at the first sight, then these complicated characters reminded me of a story a shaanxi local told me. She told me how to write these characters by remembering a pithy formula. It was such good luck that I met with it, and then I didn’t hesitate to capture it : )

    作者:Dale | 分类:英语 English, 随笔 Diary | 标签:
  • evening party

    晚会结束了 说实在的,之前一直忙于这样那样的考试,晚会的戏份推掉了很多,心里很是有些后悔,后悔没有跟兄弟们一起跳POKER FACE 只是在幕后忙着搬东西 递东西。 更可笑的是,在最后的集体舞上还做错了动作。收到了翔学长在人人上的评价“口尖的新希望”,谢谢你的评价,我会尽力努力,不让你们失望。   近十点,晚会结 ...

    作者:Dale | 分类:随笔 Diary
  • busy as a bee

    I’ve got so many things to be scheduled and done at the end of  April and the whole May days that I spare little time to manage my blog. ==; I’d like to thank all the bloggers to leave your words of support  on my preceding  passages. It seems more and more likely to see my blog becoming  a space in which everybody can see something at ease: )   

    作者:Dale | 分类:随笔 Diary