有机会听法语课了:)got the chance to learn French:)
阅读全文①The first day of March,also my first day of this semester. We have changed all teachers for all courses, but it does not mean much to me. Everything is going as the same.
back to campus,返校了。
Get my additonal Hepatitis B vaccine
Feb222010Last semester, I was tested by the school physician, and was told that I have weak antibody,and it’s better to have an additional Hepatitis B vaccine. I just couldn’t believe that, for it’s been just one year since I had had the Hepatitis B vaccine . Therefore, today, I went o ...
阅读全文作者:Dale | 分类:随笔 Diary | 标签:Hepatitis B vaccine
初八The 8th day of Chinese New Year
Feb212010lavender Yesterday,the 7th day of Chinese New Year.According to Chinese genesis, humans were created on the 7th day of the first lunar month. So the 7th day of the Chinese New Year is called the Human Day. Today is the 8th day of Chinese New Year. 在初八快要逝去,寒假快要接近尾声的时候感叹一下 ...
Feb202010这是张大概2年前新东方总裁俞敏洪老师来我们家乡讲座时候照的照片。 那个时候还是读高二的我,已经对新东方产生了感情,俞敏洪,王强,徐小平,教GMAT的耶鲁高材生钱永强,还有教雅思听力与阅读的乐静(习惯叫她乐乐老师),以及后来去哈佛深造的老乡张杨老师,等等… 虽然在初中的时候还不懂什么是GMAT 什么是 TOEFL ,GRE 。 但是从手中接过一本新东方月刊,欣赏那些留学生的学习经历,便一直爱上了这个传承新东方精神的刊物,直到现在依然会看。
This photography was taken nearly 2 years ago when I was in the second year of senior high, in which the CEO of New oriental Yuming hong is standing on the stage delivering an inspiring speech in my hometown. I have been in for New Oriental and their excellent teachers since I was in the middle school. Quite attractive and helpful is their elaborately edited magazine,I would buy one almost every month at that time. The magazine,which contains many English learning experience of students in varied realm of studies,and some learning advices provided by the experienced New Oriental teachers, attracts my attention . Their experiences of oversea studies inspired me to study harder and harder, so that one day I could do as they do abroad.
这次不是想写我对讲座的感受,而是另外一位人对俞敏洪老师的印象,and here’s the words…
The birthday of The Chinese God of Wealth
Feb182010① The fifth day of lunar Chinese New Year is the birthday of the Chinese God of Wealth, who is probably the most sought after deity.Money-starved followers gather in a temple to pay respect to the God of Wealth on his birthday, praying for wealth and good luck. Wealthy disciples pay extra to be ...