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Facebook has admitted hiring adirty tricksPR firm to smear Google and promote fears that it compromised usersprivacy.
Bosses at the social networking website asked Burson-Marsteller to start a secret whispering campaign by planting negative stories in newspapers.

Social Circle is the most direct challenge yet to Facebook. It will reportedly allow users to share photos, videos and status updates.
Google的社交网络平台──Social CircleFacebook的劲敌。据报道,Social Circle的用户可以分享照片、视频及状态更新。

But Facebook claims the service collects data from it and other services without authorisation.
但是Facebook声称Social Circle使用了Facebook的数据,其他一些服务也未授权。
The plan was uncovered when Burson-Marsteller approached  U.S. privacy advocate Christopher Soghoian, asking him to write a blog about Social Circle.
博雅公关公司最近找到顶尖的科技博客Chris Soghoian,想让他再多炮制一些Social Circle负面新闻,结果Soghoian不仅不为所动,反而选择将他收到的公关公司的邮件公之于众。

本文固定链接: http://www.imdale.com/facebook-discredit-google/ | Dale | Dale's Blog

该日志由 Dale 于2011年05月16日发表在 科技 Tech, 随笔 Diary 分类下, 你可以发表评论,并在保留原文地址及作者的情况下引用到你的网站或博客。
原创文章转载请注明: Facebook抹黑Google? | Dale | Dale's Blog

Facebook抹黑Google?:目前有2 条留言

  1. 就让她们斗吧

    2011-05-24 下午 8:44 [回复]
    • Dale:


      2011-05-28 下午 1:45 [回复]

