英国首相卡梅伦就任演讲 【视频】
May152010HER MAJESTY the queen has asked me to form a new government and I have accepted。
Before I talk about that new government, let me say something about the one that has just passed. Compared with a decade ago, this country is more open at home and more compassionate abroad, and that is something we should all be grateful for。
作者:Dale | 分类:教育 Education3条评论
to be continued
May082010strawberry music festival
13:00-13:40 TBOR
14:30-15:10 逃跑计划
16:00-16:40 旅行团
17:30-18:10 声音碎片
19:00-19:40 新裤子
20:30-21:10 唐朝
13:00-13:40 黑撒
14:30-15:10 冷酷仙境
16:00-16:40 怪力
17:30-18:10 麦田守望者
19:00-19:40 后海大鲨鱼
20:30-21:10 张楚天下玩乐舞台
13:50-14:20 查可欣
15:20-15:50 陈楚生
16:50-17:20 方大同
18:20-18:50 林俊杰
19:50-20:20 张震岳
iRiver E30+ONTO3=:)
May072010It’s great to have recieved the EMS packaged with my mp3. I eagerly unfold the wrap and took out the chocolate-shape mp3, it seemed not bad,aha. I konw the mp3 and the headphone are not the best choice to the crazy fans of music one on the aspect of the price, but they are worth buying and are within my budget.
The most complicated Chinese characters-biang biang mian
May032010biang biang mian
Yesterday, I was wandering on the street with my friend, we walked and walked, soon I saw a signboard of a Chinese noodle resturant, which shows 3 Chinese characters -biang biang mian. I did not recognize it at the first sight, then these complicated characters reminded me of a story a shaanxi local told me. She told me how to write these characters by remembering a pithy formula. It was such good luck that I met with it, and then I didn’t hesitate to capture it : )
evening party
busy as a bee
Apr252010I’ve got so many things to be scheduled and done at the end of April and the whole May days that I spare little time to manage my blog. ==; I’d like to thank all the bloggers to leave your words of support on my preceding passages. It seems more and more likely to see my blog becoming a space in which everybody can see something at ease: )
阅读全文作者:Dale | 分类:随笔 Diary
Apr132010Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks) 1-5 BCBCA 6-15 BABCB CACBA 16-20 ACCBA Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15
阅读全文作者:Dale | 分类:教育 Education | 标签:2010年全国大学生英语竞赛A类试题参考答案及作文评分标准
Apr132010作者:Dale | 分类:教育 Education | 标签:2010全国大学生英语能力竞赛B类翻译题及答案, 2010年全国大学生英语竞赛B类初赛试卷(英语专业)及标准答案, 学生英语竞赛B类初赛试卷(英语专业)及标准答案