陈士骏 (Steve Chen), 曾经Youtube的Co-founder, 如今Delicious的持有人。最近在一本期刊上偶然看见关于Steve的采访录,对于Steve本人了解不多,只知道YOUTUBE在美国的红火,便想从访谈录里面找到些关于他本人的情况。
When asked about the value of educati0n, Steve’s anwser goes that:
That has always been a difficult question to answer, especially now that I have my own son. School is important, yet school will always be there. On the ohter hand, the opportunites will be lost if they aren’t seized in time.
想想这样的观点不无道理,往往是时间机遇不等人,但一部分东西都在一定时间内安然无恙的摆在那儿的。 聚美优品的CEO是这样,FACEBOOK,YOUTUBE的CEO更是这样。
It is always a difficult balance. I think of the challenge as similar to walking on a tightrope. I must balance both of them equally; if I teeter too much to one side or another, I will fall. However, if I am able to balance both, then I will be able to move forward.
本文固定链接: http://www.imdale.com/reading-steve-chen-interview/ | Dale | Dale's Blog
2012-04-23 上午 12:29