两天的努力没有白费,属于自己的站点和域名开通了,在这里要感谢Jiang的技术支持,wordpress的程序,和远在美国稳定的服务器,让我能尽情书洒、涂鸦…^_^ 博客插件还不太齐全,以后慢慢增加… 🙂
本文固定链接: http://www.imdale.com/settle-down/ | Dale | Dale's Blog
两天的努力没有白费,属于自己的站点和域名开通了,在这里要感谢Jiang的技术支持,wordpress的程序,和远在美国稳定的服务器,让我能尽情书洒、涂鸦…^_^ 博客插件还不太齐全,以后慢慢增加… 🙂
本文固定链接: http://www.imdale.com/settle-down/ | Dale | Dale's Blog
we should always be very careful about getting hepatitis because this disease is very very dangerous and deadly -~:
2010-12-16 下午 2:06there are variants of Hepatitis which are very difficult to cure, take for example Hep-B and Hep-C.::
2010-10-12 下午 1:44WHAT DO YOU MEAN?
2010-10-14 下午 9:35Hepatitis could lead to liver cirrhosis if you did not maintain a healthy lifestyle.`*”
2010-05-20 上午 9:40支持一下!
2010-02-07 下午 6:04另,已经添加友链,随时欢迎串门。
2010-02-07 下午 8:43