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  • 关于“非诚勿扰” ,关于文化差异。

    [youku id=”XMjUzOTQ0MTQ4″]昨天在刘烨那瞄了几眼非诚勿扰的节目,话说还是第一次这么认真的看一集,3月26日的这集有位很个性的美籍华裔男嘉宾,映像十分深刻。




      Enter to grow in knowledge, depart to better serve the country and the kind. 入学是为了更好地增长知识,毕业是为了更好地回报祖国和人民。 这就是哈佛版的“为人民服务”。可惜,安田当时口误了,最准确的版本是:

      Enter to grow in wisdom. Depart to serve better thy country and thy kind. 当然,意思上是没有差啦!


      On the threshold of Harvard Yard and Massachusetts Avenue stands Dexter Gate, donated to the college in 1890. It cuts through Wigglesworth Hall, and anybody who lives in a river house walks through it at least once a day. But for all of its traffic, few students notice the carved inscriptions in the stone arch above the gate. The outside of the gate reads, “Enter to grow in wisdom,” while the inside bears the message, “Depart to serve better thy country and thy kind.”


    作者:Dale | 分类:随笔 Diary | 标签:,