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The birthday of The Chinese God of Wealth

The fifth day of lunar Chinese New Year is the birthday of the Chinese God of Wealth, who is probably the most sought after deity.Money-starved followers gather in a temple to pay respect to the God of Wealth on his birthday, praying for wealth and good luck. Wealthy disciples pay extra to be closer to the God of Wealth. Monks hold a special ceremony for wealthy donors, prior to the ceremony for the masses. See, MONEY gets you closer to the God of Wealth! At the end of the ceremony, the chief monk will spray sacred water toward the waiting crowd.

It is good to have been away from computer and the Internet for nearly a week, for I have more time to do other things,and thinking without the help of computers makes me at ease.

I have been given many red packets for the lunar new year. Honestly speaking, when I became older and older, I was just not feeling that comfortable to receive those money. How I wish I could make money myself soon.

Recently, I will keep on memorizing and reviewing CET-6 words. Reading, debating will also be my main tasks before I go back to campus.

This winter vacation is ending soon, but I won’t let it go easily.

本文固定链接: http://www.imdale.com/the-birthday-of-the-chinese-god-of-wealth/ | Dale | Dale's Blog

该日志由 Dale 于2010年02月18日发表在 随笔 Diary 分类下, 你可以发表评论,并在保留原文地址及作者的情况下引用到你的网站或博客。
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The birthday of The Chinese God of Wealth:目前有6 条留言

  1. Interesting. I can only understand half of your blog though haha. Good luck for the new year! And thanks for visiting my blog!

    I wish you wealth and happiness

    2010-02-21 上午 7:04 [回复]
    • Dale:

      aha~ I also appreciate your visual treats, and I will feedback …

      2010-02-21 下午 1:22 [回复]
  2. 这站好,还能学英语。

    2010-02-20 下午 8:00 [回复]
    • Dale:


      2010-02-20 下午 8:01 [回复]
  3. 支持博主~虽然我看不懂~不过喜欢你的 风格~支持~!链接下我吧~~
    QQ 83343808 ++

    2010-02-19 下午 9:00 [回复]
    • Dale:


      2010-02-19 下午 9:02 [回复]

