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*Beat around the bush as long as you do not leave it.旁敲侧击,只要不跑题就行。


* If you don’t know, guess. 如果不知道,就猜。


     *If you can’t dazzle with brilliance, baffle with nonsense, i.e., don’t worry so much about content. 如果没有真知灼见,也可以用废话来对付,即不要过多考虑内容。
    *Buy time by stalling but you had better look like you are in control. 故意拖延,争取时间,但要显得胸有成竹。
    *Never think you are impressing an interview with your expertise. He’s probably heard your kind of answer before. 别指望你的专门知识会给考官留下深刻印象,他以前可能听到过同样的答案。
    *Your interviewer is pretty naïve for any explanation you give him, especially if it involves your own country. 对于你做的所有解释,尤其是涉及到你的国家时,考官的认识水平是相当幼稚的。
     *There’s no question you can’t answer by using your imagination. 充分发挥想象力,没有回答不了的问题。
     *There are such things as stupid questions and the interviewer may ask many of them. Think twice. 考官可能会询问一些看似很愚蠢的问题。不过要认真作答。
     *Give a stupid answer to a stupid question. Stupid answers and intelligent answers count the same in IELTS—the only thing that matters is how you say them. 蠢问题蠢答。愚蠢的回答和聪明的回答在雅思考试中同样有用—关键在于你如何表达。
    * The interviewer will never remember your answer nor will he or she care much about it. He or she only cares about your English. 考官从来都不会记住你的答案,他们对你的回答也不会在乎。他们只关心你的英语水平。

本文固定链接: http://www.imdale.com/you-do-not-know-the-ielts-speaking-strategies/ | Dale | Dale's Blog

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